6 of Water (Osho Zen)

January 3, 2010 at 9:17 am (6 of Cups, Osho Zen, Tarot)

The Dream - 6 of Water (Osho Zen)

In the Osho Zen deck, the Cups suit is “Water” and the 6 of Water shows a woman envisioning herself happily in the embrace of her Prince Charming.  The fantasy self is radiant, well dressed, the prince the stuff of romantic perfection.  The reality is an attractive, simple maiden wearing everyday clothes.

In the Rider-Waite style decks, this card is usually shown as a pair of children, one handing off a bouquet of flowers to the other, with the idea being simple pleasures, nostalgia, childhood…

Here, the highlight is more on the childlike looking ahead to a ‘happily ever after’ future with a mate.  The possibility of finding one’s Dream mate is real… as long as one doesn’t stand too hard on the notion of perfection – the mate we find will be as real and as flawed as we are.  Finding a person to share our lives with will not magically grant us a better wardrobe, make us beautiful, or make every day a graceful waltz.

Children don’t yet know this – and adults sometimes never learn it, and instead see every conflict or imperfect (or indeed every less-than-lovely mood) as a sign that the person they’re with is not ‘the One’ and keep dreaming and looking for that person who is going to make everything perfect for them.

This card highlights that the Dream is just that – a dream.  It doesn’t mean real relationships can’t lead to great happiness – they can and do, but that happens when we love and honor the real live flawed and perfectly human real people in those relationships and give each other a break.  Childlike dreams are a lot of fun, but you risk losing the fun of a real life if you try to live in them.

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